Does Rails Still Deserve To Be The Default Web Framework In Ruby?
13 Oct 2012
To answer the question directly (aka a TLDR here for the impatient): I don't know. Read on! (HA! Tricked you there!)
Let's take a dive through some Ruby web frameworks. There is one or two around, even if we don't count Rails. I promise!
But First, Let's Take The Rails
You know, I'm from Switzerland. We love the Railway here. We take it everywhere. It's our go to solution. Why? It offers everything we need, it is on time, and we can precisely plan when we will be at the destination.
Like Rails! It is the go to solution, exactly because it offers so much stuff. Want migrations? It's right there! Want an asset pipeline? It's right there! Want to use SASS? It's right there! Architecture? Done. Validations? Done. ORM? Done. Security? Done.
This is really nice! And we know that it might not be the quickest way to get somewhere, but it will surely get us there in a hell of a good time and still can continue from there. There are no dead ends!
If you are American, I'm sorry. I know you probably don't get why calling Rails after the Railway is a good and apt metaphor. So come visit Switzerland, get a good local beer with me and I will show you why!
Onwards, To Cuba!
Cuba! Where you can really do whatever you want. Welcome to the island of simpler times. The island where everything still seems easy.
Cuba doesn't have too many complicated processes. Everything can be done, as long as you do it yourself.
Welcome to
Cuba, the Ruby microframework. Using Cuba is real easy:
require "cuba"
Cuba.use Rack::Session::Cookie
Cuba.define do
on get do
on "hello" do
res.write "Hello world!"
on root do
res.redirect "/hello"
Yes, that's it! Inspired by
Sinatra? Maybe. It offers a few other things, like security or template handling through
A very simple, and laid back framework. Very fitting for Cuba.
Lets Go Camping
But of course, now that we are in Cuba, let's go camping! This way, we can see the landscape. We can see the world like it really is, unfiltered. And it is healthy, too!
Don't know how to set up your tent? No problem, maybe the
Camping framework can help:
Camping.goes :Tent
module Tent::Models
class Tarpaulin < Base; end
module Tent::Controllers
class Index
def get
@tarpaulins = Tarpaulin.all
render :index
module Tent::Views
def index
@tarpaulins.each do |tarpaulin|
h1 tarpaulin.size
div { tarpaulin.color }
Yep, that's it. Very Rails inspired, isn't it? But it makes sense, because going camping with the train makes a lot more sense! And yes, it is all in one file. Including MVC, including routes, including everything!
But will it replace Rails? I don't think so.
All That Traveling Gives Me A Cramp
Already? A cramp? We just traveled a bit around Cuba and you have already a cramp? I guess it was time to get you out of your comfort zone!
Ah, that damn cramp. This is something special. But lucky for us, we don't have to wait until your cramp recedes, we can just continue. Nice, isn't it?
Don't know why we can continue even while you have a
Cramp? See for yourself:
require 'cramp'
class GoHomeAction < Cramp::Action
def start
render "Let's Go Home"
Yup, that's it. The cool thing about Cramp? It is designed for asynchronous requests right out of the box. It is very simple, but powerful, if used the right way.
But, since walking around with a cramp isn't fun, maybe it's time that we head home.
Home Sweet Home
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed this tour around the (Ruby) world. I know I did! So to answer the question that the title was asking all along: Probably not, since all these other frameworks target another niche.
Will something replace Rails? I don't know. Rails has a lot of convenience built it that it just a burden to lose. And I don't think we will see a new full featured web framework soon. But these micro frameworks are really nice for the small niche that they chose to fill.
So for very small apps, maybe Rails isn't the right choice. For bigger ones? I still think the convenience of Rails can't be topped by these small frameworks.
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